Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Love...... wedded bliss!

Oh boy... back to the blogstone!

Today I have been married 31 years!.... to the same guy! Yay! It's so hard to put into words the love I have for this man, my hunka, hunka, burnin love. I loved him 35 years ago and said "I Do" 31 years ago but that was a new, young wonder love. Now it's a deep, mature, I can't live without you, you really do complete me kind of love.  The kind that is forged in fire and caressed in love. Polished with tears and buffed with romance. The sometimes sat on a shelf and got dusty kind of love but then taken down, cleaned and reused and rekindled. The love that grounded us in challenging parenting roles and almost crumbled thru crazy trials and stressful times. The kind that made me honestly think I would be a widow and wrenched my heart kind of love....twice! (FYI... not a fun place to be) BUT thru all the ups and downs and sideways places we have been through, our Now kind of love is my favorite. I thank Jesus everyday that he picked me to be this mans wife...no other woman could've handled him.... lol... just kidding!! I am honored because he is loyal and fun and honest and funny and responsible and humble and most of all he loves Jesus and me!  I am a blessed silly girl and I know it!  So CHEERS to 35 more years with him!


  1. Happy Anniversary and Congratulations! I know just how difficult marriage is so I'm very impressed with the two of you for making it work...and still loving eachother and enjoying life together. My prayer is that I, too, will find that kind of love. Thanks again for sharing from your heart. I read all your blogs and love them! <3


Thank you for taking time out of your day to listen to my heart!