Well would you lookie here! This Blog platform I started years ago is still here! lol 😁
How about a start over and some more insight into my crazy blessed life. I say YES!!
I've had so much happen in the past 7 years that I can't even wrap my head around it sometimes!But here is what hasn't changed.
Jesus! He is still my Lord and Savior and bestest of all best friends. (I honestly couldn't have made it to this point without him)
I'm still madly in love with my hunka hunka burnin love of 42 years. 38 of those married! I think almost losing him a couple times thru work and health has really made me cherish everyday we have together.
My two Sonshines are still the beat of my heart and I am so stinkin proud of the men they have become
I still love making things pretty. While I have retired as a wedding planner I am still decorating ad styling up parties and homes.
I still love natural wellness. If there is a natural remedy I am going to find it and use it. (I'm not against western medicine, there is definitely a time and place for it!)
I love my dogs... While Enli the beagle lived a good life we had to help him cross the rainbow bridge in 2020. We now have two rascals. Max, a border collie and a cattle dog reject and Maizey our giant standard poodle who is a wreck... Lovable and cute but a wreck nonetheless (kinda like me, her mama!)
So..... stand by to hear about what has changed and to get a better glimpse into my Feathered heart.
You've heard about feathering your nest.. making your house a home... well, This is going to be all about feathering all parts of our lives. All areas that incorporate our Home and Heart. Welcome into my home and heart.
I hope I can be an inspiration to you!
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Thank you for taking time out of your day to listen to my heart!