Thursday, August 27, 2015

A Little Soul Bearing.....

Good morning friends! You all know me either personally or thru my posts, as I am an open book and pretty transparent. I share my thoughts and soul with you all. If you have had the chance to be a face-to-face friend of mine you know I enjoy talking. wink emoticon You have seen my love for my sonshines and their girlies and my undying devotion to my hunka hunka burnin love. You know how much I enjoy planning weddings and making them pretty. You know how much I enjoyed having chickens and how I wish I still had a few. (but can't right now as bears think my house is the local KFC) How Enli the beagle is a hoot. If I find a good deal or article that moves me you will know about it. My pinterest pins have let you see my food choices and decorating styles. You know how much I love inspirational quotes. My journey right now with losing someone I love on hospice is being shared because I honestly couldn't go thru this without all of you. If I held it all inside I would implode and that would be messy and who wants a big ol hot mess on their hands. You also know that I love Jesus and lean on Him in every aspect of my life. I have been pursuing health and that I am an essential oil lover....ok, fanatic.... ok, fine... an addict! But you all know this! wink emoticon
It's been a whole year.... a year of learning and amazement. A year of tweaking my lifestyle choices. A year of focusing on health and being aware of what I put in and onto my body. A year of fitness? not so much, but health a big fat YES!! I have managed to pass thru "mid-life" relatively unscathed without having to resort to any non-natural treatments or remedies. I have released some emotional baggage in order to live life with less fear and anxious moments. I have become even more in tuned with Jesus as I turn to Him even more in my quest for honoring His temple. I am totally amazed at the provisions God has given us thru nature... why have we pushed them aside?
Any who.... Just wanted to share all of this because I want you to know when I do talk about all of these aspects of my life I am doing so for several reasons....
1) I have no face-to-face life.. I live in the boonies and don't get out much as far as face-to-face relationships go.. so this is my social life... sad but hey, it's like a party all the time. (for those of you who do see me face-to-face you get to hear all of this with your ears,,and you will probably get a hug or two thrown in)
2) If I don't talk about it I will go stark raving mad. My 3rd grade teacher put it eloquently (waaaay before ADHD came on the scene) "Barra is an energetic child who enjoys visiting with her neighbors" haha!!! nailed it... another teacher said on one of my report cards that I was a "social butterfly" !
3) If I think something is wonderful or worth exploring I need to share it.. the end.
So.... Get ready to hear about me and my life, what I love and what I recommend for all the areas of life! 

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Thank you for taking time out of your day to listen to my heart!