Thursday, January 8, 2015

2015 roller coaster ride

 (Pinterest quote book)

Ok folks……I’m Baaaaack!   I took a few days/weeks to try and figure out a schedule that works for me… not easy for a butterfly or a silly girl who is easily distracted.  I’ve been doing some soul searching, some tweaking, some deep conversations with Jesus about how my 2015 is going to look like.  I wanted to clean out my closets, purge my pantry and get the house organized.  Well that didn’t exactly happen so that is still on my agenda. But it WILL happen … I’ll tell you all about it , I promise!!
You know it’s funny when you sit down and ask God for clarity, that He actually gives you what you ask for. I have been amazed at some of the things that have been brought to the forefront and made clear as to what path(s) I am to follow.  So follow I will.
I will let you see into my 2015 journey and will try to be as transparent as I can.. not for any ego boosting move or “hey,hey look at me, look at me” motivation. But because I know that if I am transparent then I have to be accountable and if I am accountable I will stick to something so much better. I’ve also asked Jesus to use me for His glory and the only way I know how to do that is to be seen and heard. This blog thing is the last thing I “wanted” to do but I am feeling deeply led to do it… there must be a reason for that, right?
I have to warn ya’ll tho, that I am a silly girl, a knucklehead and a sensitive soul …I cry easily. I am also a passionate soul and want you to learn everything I love and experience it with me…. thru me.  I will be goofy, funny, sad, deep, cranky, fearful, excited, cheesy and depressed.
Some things to look forward to that I will share with you…. Or pull you down my rabbit hole, so to speak…
*my walk with Jesus
*my love for hubby (aka hunka hunka burnin love) and my sonshines
*my weddings… I plan them and style them and I love them
*my hippie oils… yup…. I’m “one of those”
*my life in Mayberry
*my shenanigans
*my love for the thin blue line

If you feel so inclined…share my blog… I don’t know who Jesus wants me to touch thru my fingertips I just know He does… if you feel the urge, guess what? It might be Jesus saying . “somebody you share this with needs to “meet” barra…my silly child whom I love”
So hang on to your hats cuz it’s going to be a rollercoaster adventure…. (just ask my hubby) !

Toodles………. See you soon! ……………………barra

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Thank you for taking time out of your day to listen to my heart!