Waiting…. wondering…. that is always the hardest part for me. I can deal with the situations (well, once I get over the actual news, good or bad) but the waiting…. so hard.
I can only imagine Mary and the disciples on this their Sabbath day, still grief stricken from the ugly heartbreaking experience of watching Jesus die on the cross, trying to wrap their heads around all of it. The conflict of their brains and their hearts. Standing there in unbelief the day before as Jesus actually took his last breath with the words “It is finished”. I know I would’ve been thinking “He is God’s son isn’t He, why is this happening? God wouldn’t let this happen would He? “ Oh my goodness my faith would’ve been rocked to the core. This isn’t what it was supposed to look like...life was going to be so good...this Man is my Savior …(however, Mary had no idea what having a Savior was supposed to mean or even look like) Did she have an idea in the back of her mind about Jesus rising from the grave? I don’t know… we have always been taught or heard about Jesus dying on the cross for us and rising from the dead on the third day but she had never heard that …. it was happening before her eyes. Jesus mentioned it but did she even understand what He meant? But regardless of her knowledge she had to wait….. wait to apply the burial spices and oils, which were super important not only to mask the death smell in the hot Palestinian weather but a personal and loving gesture of anointing a loved one with very expensive oils….. (which I have to say I have access to even today….. will explain later … stay tuned)
As a woman, who loved someone so much, to be told they have to wait to attend to their loved one is crazy hard….Mary wanted the best for her Jesus and to tend to his body in a loving manner but due to the sabbath she was forced to wait. It had to be gut wrenchingly hard for her. Like if your child is going into surgery and you have to just sit and wait in the waiting room until it is over……..or a mammogram comes back as “suspicious” but you have to wait til the results come in…. even harder.…or your husband who knows the wilderness like the back of his hand is “lost” but you know he isn’t lost but that it was a medical incident or foul play…..or that a bad, bad man is in a shootout with police and you know your hubby is smack dab in the middle of the fire fight and knowing there are officers down..(those were two of my hardest days). But it’s in the waiting that you can learn some of the deepest things about yourself, who you trust, who your friends are and how awesome Jesus and God really are. It may seem like you’re in a deep hole and all alone with your panic and grief. Lean into the wait…. experience the emotions but don’t get caught up in it. Jesus knows and tells you that Joy comes in the morning whatever your circumstance. That Joy he spoke of is thru His perspective and in His timing and sometimes that Joy might be that you or your loved one wakes up in Heaven. Sheer Joy, right? Listen to the still small voice of Jesus that whispers in the waiting room of life…….. just wait…….
ps… so the burial oils and perfumes…. Mary was going to anoint Jesus with Myrrh.. the burial oil of choice…. Did you know it is mentioned 3 times in the Bible regarding Jesus. The first time was when the wisemen brought Him Frankincense and Myrrh… (didn’t make the connection til right this minute...whoa.. they brought Him his burial oil…crazy awesome ) the second time was when He was on the cross they offered him a bit of wine mixed with myrrh to help with the pain but Jesus refused it. Then Nicodemus brought about 80pounds of it to use when they buried Him. It was very expensive but was very aromatic to cover the smell of decay.

Myrrh comes from a small bushy tree, cultivated in ancient times in the Arabian peninsula. Myrrh was used raw or crushed and made into an oil to make a perfume. It was also used medicinally to reduce swelling and stop pain.
Spikenard was not a traditional burial oil. It was very costly and was the oil Mary used to anoint Jesus feet and wiped with her hair. It was reserved for special occasions and was a genuine and pure oil used in worship. Spikenard is a costly spice which comes from a very rare plant and is usually blended with olive oil for anointing acts of consecration, dedication, and worship. Interesting that this is what Mary was bringing to anoint Jesus body with.
As I said before, it is crazy awesome that we have access to these oils today…I am going to get myself some……... want a bottle of it? ….I can hook you up!
(comment below if you want more info and we will chat about it )